Monday, July 21, 2014

Letter to Press

Letter to Press


July 18, 2014

Letter to Press:

Dear Editor and fellow American:

For over 12 years I have fought for a judicial hearing or trial to make a Wall Street Banker, Chase Manhattan, and their perfidious service agent, Ocwen Federal Bank FSB, face justice in a court of law for undeniable violations of federal bankruptcy law, which cost my family home of 26 years in Corona California  and my home based business, Residential Fire Sprinklers, operated from that home since leaving Microsoft in 1991.

I had two attorneys fighting for me but when my money ran out, I had to continue to fight, pro-se, or give up.  I have appealed through the federal legal hierarchy three times all they way to the US Supreme Court. It is incredible to me, that judicial eyes from the Bankruptcy Court, the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel for the 9th circuit, the US District Court, the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, and the United States Supreme Court  apparently did not see anything wrong, with the actions of these banksters, and turned a blind eye, to these unlawful actions, three times!  And remember, this is just to gain a hearing or trial to present the facts of my case. The violation is undeniable and the law is settled, but you have to get them in court, I need the court to order a trial. 

My story does have the properties of a 'man bites dog' story in that the judicial system, charged with upholding law, has been the invisible wall, keeping the guilty out of court, and denying me my day in court.  It's the court that has stymied my pursuit of justice by denying me a hearing.  The judge from the bankruptcy court ruled she lacked jurisdiction after my case was dismissed, so jurisdiction has been the legal hot potato, that causes all the courts to summarily dismiss my case. My fourth opening brief, submitted to the 9th Circuit can be found on my blog page

I don't know if my story is newsworthy or not, but if I am rejected for a hearing again, for a fourth time, by the 9th Circuit, It will definitely be newsworthy for every American who values the rule of law. 

Gary Ozenne

July 18, 2014  

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