(Photo by Dave Hogan/Getty Images)
(Photo by Dave Hogan/Getty Images)
Before there was “Say hello to my little friend!” and “Hoo-ah!” there was “Don’t you care? Don’t you even care?” and “YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER! YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER! THE WHOLE TRIAL IS OUT OF ORDER!”
Thirty-five years ago today, … And Justice for All landed in theaters. In it, Al Pacino gives another indelible performance — and emotes a few well-known lines — as compassionate, deeply ethical lawyer Arthur Kirkland.
The dark satire about the justice system tells the story of how Kirkland is forced to defend a man he despises — Henry T. Fleming (a surprisingly good John Forsythe), a merciless Baltimore judge accused of a heinous sex crime.
Beyond Pacino’s Oscar-nominated performance, the film is notable for giving future stars Jeffrey TamborCraig T. Nelson and Christine Lahti some of their earliest big-screen roles. It’s also one of just 10 movie appearances by Lee Strasberg, the renowned Method acting teacher who was a mentor to Pacino. (Pacino and Strasberg also co-starred in 1974’s The Godfather: Part II – and both earned Oscar nominations for their work in that film.)
Also showing up on screen: Dominic Chianese, who later earned two Emmy nominations as Uncle Junior on The Sopranos.
Watch the trailer, which features both of Pacino’s catchphrases from the film:

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